Unlocking Cryptography: A Beginner’s Guide to Secure Secrets

3 min readJun 7, 2021


hey! hope everyone is safe and good.

if I want to send confidential data from one location to another location. so, when I send that data using the internet, a public network where the rest of the people is present over there. so, when a hacker is present he can easily hack into my data since it is in plain text which is not recommended. so now our target is to secure the data.

what are Encryption and Decryption??

plain text -> cypher text = encryption

cypher text -> plain text = decryption

How to do encryption?

there are many algorithms to encrypt the data. some are

DES — data encryption standard

3 DES — 3 times data encryption standard

AES — advanced encryption standard

AES can encrypt 128, 192, 256, and 4096 bits.

note: only supercomputers can encrypt 4096 bits.

what is key?

when we share confidential data from one location to another location to ensure privacy that data is locked i.e locked in a suitcase and send to the destination eventually they need a key to open it. this is the purpose of the key. there are two types of keys available.

  1. symmetric key
  2. asymmetric key

Symmetric key:

it uses the same key. when we lock the data and send we also send the key which opens the lock. and to secure that key we need another lock and it goes on…ending in a loop. so the symmetric key is not advisable.

Asymmetric key:

it uses two different keys. a public key and private key. either one is used to lock the data and the other is used for unlocking. to create these two keys we have a powerful algorithm called the RSA algorithm. which is becoming more notable in recent times.

RSA algorithm is founded by a trio of friends Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman.

the standard bit for RSA algorithm is

private-key encryption ->2048

public-key encryption -> 2048

which is totally 4096. but as you heard before to encrypt 4096 bit we need supercomputers.

so we use Hybrid communication! what is that?

It's very simple. let's see now.

assume there is a client and server at both ends. first, the server needs to generate a public key and private key using the RSA algorithm. then share its public key with the client. after getting the public key from the server, the client will generate the shared secret and encrypt that shared secret using the public key from the server. now the client wants to send the encrypted shared data to the server via a network. here no one now the server wants to decrypt the shared secret using the server’s private key. now the data is shared securely.

how to secure the data?

the three main security services of cryptography. they are “CIA”.

C- confidentiality

I- Integrity

A- Availability

Confidentiality :

Confidentiality is roughly like Confidentiality measures are designed to stop sensitive information from unauthorized access attempts. It is common for data to be categorized consistent with the quantity and sort of harm that would be done if it fell into the incorrect hands. More or less stringent measures can then be implemented consistent with those categories.


Integrity is maintaining the compatibleness, fidelity, and reliability of data over its entire lifecycle. Data shouldn’t be changed in the movement, and steps must be taken to make sure data can’t be altered by unauthorized people.


Availability means data should be consistently and readily accessible for authorized access. Validation tools, approach channels, and process which needs to function properly for the data they safeguard and ensure it’s available whenever needed.

see you next time. until then tata!

